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Ek bistro


Design: Dekleva Gregorič architects

project team:  Aljoša Dekleva 


location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
project date: 2013 – 2014
completion date: 2017
area: 74 m2
type: bistro
client: private
source: commission


Produced by: items
Co-directed: Žan Šabeder, Jan Krek
Dop: Jan Krek, Gregor Vidmar
Creative assistant: Gregor Vidmar
Edit: Žan Šabeder, Gregor Vidmar, Jan Krek
Music author: Blaž Avsenik
Sound producer: Oskar Cafnik
Special Thanks to: Blaž Draksler, Blaž Šenica,

Jaka Štrukelj, Tita Antonina Perne,
Anja Zupanec, Jure Brglez, Katja Komatar, Boris Jazbečar

Tina Gregorič

Martina Marčan

Silvia Susanna

The film is part of an architectural documentary mini-series for Dekleva Gregoric architects. Ek bistro is a small local destination for people to enjoy brunch. The bistro is located on the banks of the Ljubljanica river, not far from the city center. By stripping down the walls and ceiling, architects revealed the mixed construction of brick and stone, typical for ground floors of 19th-century town structures. In the video, we tried to emphasize the history and ambience of exposed walls.

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